Sunday, 1 March 2009

Layed the draw again.

After yesterday's success at laying the draw, I decided to do this again in the game between West Ham and Man City. As you can see from the screenshots below, I layed the draw for £5 @ 2.5, leaving me with a liability of £7.50. I was using BetTraderPro to place my bets, and on the ladder interface, you can see your potential hedged profit or loss.

I didn't want to lose more than £2 on this game. As the hedged figure went more and more into the red, I waited patiently for a goal until the red figure got nearer the -£2 mark.

My patience paid off. A goal in the 71st minute sent the odds shooting up, and I hedged for £2.31 @ 5.4 for a guaranteed gross profit of £2.69 (£2.56 net)

This was an increase of 8.6% and my bank now stands at £32.44. My next target is 97p.

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